Artist Galleries

Exploring the Blooming Gardens of Central Park: A Springtime Stroll

Ah, springtime in Central Park – where nature puts on its finest show, and New Yorkers shed their winter coats like snakes shedding old skin. Join me on a virtual stroll through the blooming gardens of this urban oasis, where tulips nod in agreement, and cherry blossoms whisper secrets in the wind. The Symphony of […]

Artist Galleries

Moments of Summer

Capturing some quiet and introspective moments of Summer. Summer is here, and even if you can’t stand the heat, these iconic images of the season may inspire you. Thinking About the Season of Summer As the days grow longer and the temperature rises, the season of summer welcomes us with its warmth and vibrant energy. […]

Artist Galleries

Exploration and Adventure

These paintings celebrate the spirit of exploration and adventure in women everywhere. Through vivid brushstrokes and captivating scenes, they capture the joy and determination that women possess when venturing into the great outdoors. Each painting tells a unique story, depicting women fearlessly embracing new landscapes, uncovering hidden treasures, and immersing themselves in the beauty of […]

Artist Galleries

Mythical and Mystical Connections

Mythical and mystical connections surround us in nature, even if we don’t see them. Within the depths of the forest, ancient trees whisper secrets to one another, while hidden creatures of folklore lurk in the shadows. The shimmering waters of lakes and rivers hold the essence of mythical beings, their enchanting presence felt in every […]

Artist Galleries

Serene Moments of Solitude

Serene moments of solitude offer intimate moments of reflection and contemplation. Amidst the chaos and busyness of life, these precious instances of tranquility allow the mind to settle and the soul to find solace. Whether it’s finding refuge in a secluded garden, perched on a moss-covered rock in a remote forest, or sitting by a […]

Artist Galleries

Scenes from Central Park

Central Park in Manhattan is one of the most glorious places to be. Its lush greenery, sprawling meadows, and picturesque landscapes create an oasis in the heart of the bustling city. As you stroll along its winding paths, you are enveloped in a sense of tranquility, a respite from the urban chaos just beyond its […]


Paintings of Personification

A collection of oil paintings representing various personifications of enchanting nature scenes. They were painted by Eleanor Sinclair, who specializes in painting oils. Her works on metaphor and simile are also featured here. Radiant sunflowers The radiant sunflowers turned their faces towards the sun, joyfully embracing its warm caress and sharing their vibrant yellow smiles […]


Paintings of Metaphor and Simile

A collection of oil paintings representing various metaphors and similes. They were painted by Eleanor Sinclair, who specializes in painting oils based on scenes from nature. Dark and stormy sky The stormy sky loomed like a gathering tempest, its roiling clouds resembling an army of shadows marching across the horizon. A peaceful meadow The peaceful […]