
A Gallery of Fine Tip Paint Marker Paintings

Interested in fine tip paint marker paintings/ Here’s a small gallery of beautiful art created with fine tip paint markers.

Selections from the gallery

Horses in a field at sunset
The sun is setting over a vast expanse of rolling hills covered in tall golden grasses. In the distance, a herd of wild horses graze peacefully, their silhouettes against the orange and pink sky. A gentle breeze carries the sweet scent of wildflowers, and the only sound is the distant call of a hawk.
Trout in a stream
A crystal-clear stream flows through a dense forest, its banks covered in vibrant green ferns and wildflowers. The water is so clear you can see the rainbow-colored trout swimming just below the surface. Sunbeams filter through the tree canopy, dappling the forest floor with light and shadow. Birds chirp and flit about, and a soft breeze rustles the leaves.
A river in snow
The air is crisp and cold as you trek through a winter wonderland. Everything is blanketed in snow, from the towering pines to the boulders in the river. The sky is a deep, clear blue, and the sun glints off the snow, creating a dazzling display of light. In the distance, a pack of wolves howl, their voices carrying on the still air.
Double rainbow over a stormy mountain
A brilliant rainbow arcs across the sky, its colors vivid against the backdrop of a thunderstorm. Lightning crackles in the distance, illuminating the jagged peaks of a mountain range. The air is charged with electricity, and the smell of rain and ozone fills your nose. As the storm passes, a spectacular double rainbow appears, framing the landscape in a breathtaking display of color.