Like just about everyone else on the planet, I’ve read the Harry Potter books. And while I was as mesmerized as anyone else by the incredible writing of J.K. Rowling, I was originally attracted to the books by the clever and fun cover art. I’m familiar with the American editions, which were all produced by the artist, Mary GrandPré, who is from Florida, although she was born in South Dakota and spent most of her life in Minnesota.

Mary’s covers are all produced in a similar style, but each one has its own unique look and feel. My favorite of them all is the cover for the Order of the Phoenix, painted all in cool and mysterious blues. There was also a deluxe version of the cover, which depicted 12 Grimmauld Place, with Hedwig flying in the front cover, and broomstick-riding wizards arriving.
I’m also a beta tester for Pottermore, which is the online version of the series and allows you to explore the world of Harry Potter, taking part in the same adventures that you find in the book. The artwork in the game is also lavish and beautiful and has the same hand-painted look that Mary’s covers provide, although in a more photo-realistic style. If you haven’t checked out Pottermore, it’s still in beta but taking a peek at one of the many Pottermore sites will show you how beautiful the artwork is.