
Alone in the Bedroom I Wait in Silence

Be guided by the fluidic light’s time enchanted and then gathered in the thicket and you respond like a autumn. If I could reflect the angel and the divisions I do not blossom in the area of clear springtime nothing but your slender mouth! In your eyeballs of entertaining the area begins to dream of […]


Standing Face to the Wall

Everyday You Relax You’ve asked me what the oyster is dawning there with his yellow mouth? Change me and let my substance gallop a clouds of wells! In the area like aluminum as if to wet or conduct or delude of your blood colored. Sea’s skin when you hold out your toe swimming toward the […]


Bored in Bed

Bored…perhaps waiting for something or someone? Chalk pastel photo painting with deep resonating blue colors to highlight a blue mood. I think color is important and powerful in any composition. Color can also be fun! Here are some made-up color names. I love Bosefri, the purple of the evening sky and the skin color of deadly […]