
Seductive by the Window

She sits there, seductive by the window
Gazing out at the world passing by
Her eyes like stars, her skin aglow
A beauty that could make the angels sigh

The wind plays with her hair, teasingly
Like a lover’s touch, gentle and light
The sun caresses her skin, lovingly
As she basks in its warmth and delight

Her lips part slightly, as if to speak
And all who see her are held in thrall
For she is the embodiment of mystique
The essence of grace, standing tall

But beyond her beauty, lies her soul
A spirit of strength, a heart of gold
For though the world may take its toll
She remains resilient, uncontrolled

She is seductive by the window
But it is not just her looks that draw
It is the way she carries herself, aglow
And the spirit that lies within, raw

So let us all aspire to be like her
To embrace our beauty, inside and out
To be unafraid, to let ourselves stir
And stand tall, without a doubt.

That is the new version of the poem above. The original version, which was a bit more abstract/avant-garde is below…

A load of bread baked with starry and salt
not the sepia moment
when the midnight recovers
the bottles
relaxing the film of her movie full of joy
lighting from somber paper-mache
bird feathers of a full bicycle
serene as a profound tiger.
Yellow fire to my delicate friendship!

The poem and the painting are both reminiscent of feminine energy.